Badge Overview

Sequencing Analysis Practicum  Sequencing Analysis Practicum

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Sequencing Analysis Practicum

Sequencing Analysis Practicum

Issued by Hood College

Badge Description

The Sequencing Analysis Practicum badge allows programmers and non-programmers alike to explore sequencing data for DNA variant detection, RNA expression analysis and detection of novel RNA transcripts. A variety of sequencing techniques (including single cell RNA sequencing), their strengths and pitfalls, and crucial aspects of experimental design will be discussed. Learners will analyze the resulting data while examining best practices for the effective use of sequencing data using analysis methods that are robust and reproducible.

Skills RNA and DNA Sequencing Data Analysis RNA-seq Experiment Design and Analysis Differential Expression Analysis Genomic Data Visualization Variant Calling and Genotyping Programming in R Linux Skills

Badge Criteria

This FOUNDATIONAL badge is equivalent to a 3-credit, master's-level course. A final grade of B or better is required to earn this badge.

1. Design, execute and analyze an RNA expression experiment using long-read or short-read RNA-seq. 2. Design, execute, and analyze a single-cell RNA (scRNA) sequencing experiment. 3. Design, execute and analyze a DNA variant detection experiment using long read or short-read DNA sequencing. 4. Understand and implement best practices for study design, analysis workflow development and data handling to ensure the study is robust and reproducible. 5. Compare and contrast the most popular sequencing platforms and identify their strengths and weaknesses. 6. Identify the best resources to obtain publicly available sequencing data. 7. Navigate a remote computational cluster in Linux and execute functions from bioconductor packages in R.

Aligned Outcomes