Badge Overview
Network and Internet Security
Published Public {} Badge Class Data
Network and Internet Security

Issued by Hood College
Badge Description
The Network and Internet Security badge examines the pervasive security threats related to the internet, data communications and networking as well as real-time or near real-time capture of information and the systematic tracking of transmissions. Topics include network-borne threats, detection, prevention and analysis, authentication, malicious software and firewalls.
Basic Packet Analysis
Network Vulnerability
Network Attacks
Internet Attacks
Badge Criteria
This ADVANCED level badge is equivalent to a 3-credit, master's level course. Earning a grade of B or better is required for this badge.
Aligned Outcomes
Core Competencies
The badge earner will communicate clearly and effectively in oral, written and/or visual formats, consistent with the standards of their discipline.
Core Competencies
The badge earner will identify and explore relevant questions and/or problems by accessing, evaluating, applying and/or conducting research using discipline-specific strategies.
Core Competencies
Problem Solving
The badge earner will apply advanced disciplinary content knowledge and strategies to understand and address problems and questions relevant to their discipline and to which they have not previously been introduced.